Lunar New Year 2023

This Lunar New Year, it’s all about the Rabbit.

The holiday, which is also known as Chinese New Year and Spring Festival, is officially upon us, kicking off officially on Sunday, January 22.

Originating in multiple countries in east Asia, the holiday is filled with rich culture and tradition that centers around the hope for good fortune and prosperity.

Though the date differs each year based on the cycle of the moon, it always falls between Jan. 20 and Feb. 21 on the Gregorian calendar.

Each year also has a corresponding animal from the Chinese zodiac, based on ancient Chinese mythology; last year was the Year of the Tiger, and 2023 is the Year of the Rabbit.

People’s Magazin

How do people celebrate Chinese New Year?

The Chinese New Year is also known as the Spring Festival. It is the most solemn festival of the year for every Chinese and has been celebrated in China for thousands of years, with various forms of activities among the diverse regions of China.

The New Year celebration is centred around removing the bad and the old, and welcoming the new and the good. It’s a time to worship ancestors, exorcise evil spirits and pray for good harvest.

Today it’s celebrated also by Chinese communities outside the country. Lion dance, dragon dance, temple fairs, flower market shopping and so on are just a few of these rich and colourful activities.

In the run-up to the new year people will clean their houses to get rid of dirt, rubbish and other unwanted items. They will redecorate them with red couplets, lanterns, new flowerpots and furniture, and will shop for foodstuffs for banquet specialities.

The New Year is an important family reunion occasion, so those who are living or working far away would return home prior to the holiday. In China this is now known as Chun Yun Moving in the Spring): tens of millions of people travel on the country’s vast public transport systems or via private means, coming home to be with their loved ones.

We Celebrate Martin Luther King's Day

Martin Luther King Day also called MLK Day, King Day, and Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Day is observed on the third Monday of January, which is close to King’s actual birthday on January 15. The earliest Monday the holiday will ever be celebrated is January 15th and the latest is January 21st. The day is a federal United States holiday with all government and most business offices closed. This year Martin Luther King’s day have place on January 16th

Martin Luther King, Jr was a Baptist minister and social activist that had a huge impact on the civil rights movement of the 1950’s in the United States. King was assassinated in 1968 and will be remembered for his non-violent protests against segregation and his “I have a Dream” speech.

In 1983, President Ronald Reagan signed MLK Day into law and 3 years later it was first observed. By the year 2000, all fifty states officially observed the day. Another related holiday back in 1948, National Freedom Day was signed into law by President Truman as a national observance recognizing the outlaw of slavery enacted earlier during 1865 under President Lincoln during the civil war years.


Martin Luther King Day 2023 is an annual federal American holiday that celebrates the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. (January 15). It celebrates the life and achievements of this influential American civil rights leader.

History of Martin Luther King Day

The idea of Martin Luther King Day 2023 as a holiday was promoted soon after his assassination in 1968. After King’s death, United States Democrat Representative, John Conyers and, United State Republican Senator, Edward Brooke introduced a bill in Congress to make King’s birthday a national holiday.

The bill first came to a vote in the United States House of Representatives in 1979 and fell five votes short of the number needed. There were two main arguments mentioned by opponents, the first being that a paid holiday for federal employees would be too expensive and, secondly, that a holiday to honour the birth (of a private citizen who had never held public office) would be contrary to the longstanding tradition.

The effort received more publicity when, after a decade, shortly after the failure of a bill that was introduced by Representative John Conyers. In September of 1979, Stevie Wonder released a song called “Happy Birthday”. That was meant to make a case for the holiday, calling out anyone who didn’t support the idea. Additionally, Six million signatures were collected for a petition to Congress to pass the law. In 1981, President Ronald Reagan came into office and originally opposed the holiday.

Additionally, Senators, of North Carolina Republicans, Jesse Helms and John Porter East opposed the holiday and questioned whether King was important enough to receive such an honour and criticized King’s opposition to the Vietnam War.

On November 2, 1983, Reagan signed a bill, proposed by Representative Katie Hall of Indiana, to create a federal holiday honouring King. The bill passed the House of Representatives and was observed for the first time on January 20, 1986. Initially, some states resisted observing the holiday only in the year 2000 was it officially observed in all 50 states for the first time.


Martin Luther King' Speach

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Los Reyes Magos



¿Quienes son los Reyes Magos?

Los Reyes Magos de Oriente eran sacerdotes eruditos en el Antiguo Oriente y se les denomina Reyes según la tradición Cristiana.

Los reyes Magos, según el evangelio de Mateo, acudieron al encuentro de Jesús de Nazaret luego de su nacimiento, llevando con ellos regalos para rendirle homenaje al Salvador.

A continuación un cuento que nos ayudará a entender un poco más de esta tradición.

Cuento: Los Reyes Magos

Érase una vez hace muchos, muchos años, existían tres reyes magos que además de ser muy sabios, eran capaces de leer e interpretar las estrellas. Uno vivía en Europa, otro en Asia y otro en África y los tres pasaban noches y noches mirando las estrellas, lo que ninguno sabía es que una de ellas cambiaría su vida por completo.

Un buen día, Melchor un rey europeo, de larga barba blanca, tan larga como su inteligencia estaba mirando las estrellas desde su palacio. De pronto vió una estrella fugaz, que se detuvo arriba en el firmamento y brilló más que las demás. Melchor se sintió tan intrigado que decidió encaminarse hacia el horizonte para verla más cerca. Cabalgó sobre su camello y partió de viaje.

Gaspar, reinaba en Asia, sus cabellos y barba eran castaños y, como Melchor era un hombre de gran sabiduría. Él también vio la estrella desde su castillo y sin pensárselo dos veces, montó sobre su camello y emprendió la marcha tras la preciosa luz.

En África, otro rey famoso por sus predicciones astrológicas, se encontraba mirando el firmamento. Su nombre era Baltasar y sobre él se posó también la brillante estrella. Baltasar corrió a sus establos, montó a lomos de su camello y se encaminó tras la brillante estrella.

Al cabo de unos días de viaje, los tres reyes se encontraron en el camino. Ambos comenzaron a hablar del firmamento y de aquella nueva estrella que les atraía poderosamente. Los tres llegaron a la misma conclusión: la estrella les llevaría al nacimiento de un nuevo rey, un rey de reyes.

Todos estuvieron de acuerdo que un rey de reyes necesitaba regalos dignos de su persona. Melchor decidió pues llevar oro; Gaspar, incienso; y Baltasar, mirra, los mejores presentes de la época.

Tras un largo viaje los Reyes Magos llegaron hasta Belén, justo allí donde se había posado la estrella y encontraron con gran alegría y tal y como habían pensado un bebé, con su madre María y su padre, José. Melchor, Gaspar y Baltasar, se pusieron de rodillas frente al pesebre donde dormía el Niño y pusieron los regalos a sus pies.

El niño Jesús se puso tan contento con su visita que otorgó a los tres Reyes Magos el don de la vida eterna y la facultad de poder llevar regalos a todos los niños del mundo. 


Tomado de la Publicación de MARIA MACHADO

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