What is the theme of Earth Day for 2023?

Every year since 1970, Earth Day has been celebrated on April 22 with the goal of not only highlighting the increasingly threatening effects of climate change, but also highlighting effective measures and adaptation efforts that can improve the quality of life. our environment. This year comes on the heels of a United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report released in March, which warned of the magnitude of changes brought about by human-induced global warming and its impact on people and ecosystems. The same report also offers some hopeful insights, showing that adaptation measures can build resilience, but such urgent system-wide transformations are necessary to secure a net-zero future. In response to these findings, Earth Day 2023 focuses on the theme “Investing in our planet”, as a stimulus for governments, institutions, companies and civil society to accelerate change. Read on to discover various city-wide initiatives aligned with these goals of building resilience and a more sustainable future through legislation, civic engagement and innovative systems.

How can we Help to Keep the Earth Healthy?

Planet Earth is in danger and needs our help! Pollution, deforestation and loss of biodiversity have increased excessively.

Here are 7 simply tasks tou can do to keep the earth safe:

  • Grow your own food
  •  Plant trees
  • Save water: turn off the tap while brushing your teeth
  • Separate the garbage
  • Reuse everything you can: Bags, turn a damaged mug into a planter, etc
  • Disconnect your cell phone charger when you are not using it