History of Mother's Day

During the Middle Ages, the custom developed of allowing people who had moved away from where they grew up to come back to visit their home or ‘mother’ churches, and their mothers, on the fourth Sunday of the Christian festival of Lent.

At the time, it wasn’t uncommon for children to leave home to work when they were as young as 10 years old, so this was an opportunity for families to meet up again.

This became Mothering Sunday in Britain. As the dates of Lent vary each year, so does the date of Mothering Sunday.

Although it’s often called Mother’s Day in the UK, it has no connection with the American Mother’s Day

Mother's Day in the US

In the US, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May each year.

The idea started in America when a woman called Anna Jarvis held a small memorial service for her own mother on 12 May 1907.

Soon after, most places in America were observing the day and in 1914, the US president made it a national holiday, celebrated on the second Sunday of May.

Lots of other countries celebrate Mother’s Day at different times of the year as well.

Some Ideas to celebrate this Mother's Day

Mother’s Day is an important day of the year for both mothers and kids that calls for a grand celebration. After all, your mother is the reason for your existence and she deserves all your love, respect, and attention. Depending upon what your mom likes, there are several fun ways to celebrate Mother’s day with her some of which we have listed below.

Mother's Day

Summer Camp 2023

Enjoy our wonderful spaces and recreational activities for children from 4 to 10 years of age.

Watch the video for more information.

What is the theme of Earth Day for 2023?

Every year since 1970, Earth Day has been celebrated on April 22 with the goal of not only highlighting the increasingly threatening effects of climate change, but also highlighting effective measures and adaptation efforts that can improve the quality of life. our environment. This year comes on the heels of a United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report released in March, which warned of the magnitude of changes brought about by human-induced global warming and its impact on people and ecosystems. The same report also offers some hopeful insights, showing that adaptation measures can build resilience, but such urgent system-wide transformations are necessary to secure a net-zero future. In response to these findings, Earth Day 2023 focuses on the theme “Investing in our planet”, as a stimulus for governments, institutions, companies and civil society to accelerate change. Read on to discover various city-wide initiatives aligned with these goals of building resilience and a more sustainable future through legislation, civic engagement and innovative systems.

How can we Help to Keep the Earth Healthy?

Planet Earth is in danger and needs our help! Pollution, deforestation and loss of biodiversity have increased excessively.

Here are 7 simply tasks tou can do to keep the earth safe:

  • Grow your own food
  •  Plant trees
  • Save water: turn off the tap while brushing your teeth
  • Separate the garbage
  • Reuse everything you can: Bags, turn a damaged mug into a planter, etc
  • Disconnect your cell phone charger when you are not using it

What is Easter Day and When we Celebrate it

Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after being crucified, as related in the New Testament of the Bible. It is the most important celebration of the Christian Church.

This Year will be held on April 9, 2023 is Easter Sunday. Normally, it is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the first day of spring.

The why of the Easter bunny

The origin of the Easter rabbit dates back to the pre-Christian Anglo-Saxon festivities, when the rabbit was the symbol of fertility and was associated with the goddess Easter, to whom the month of April was dedicated and the honor of the Easter festivities. spring among the peoples of northern Europe. With the passage of time, the figure of the Easter rabbit was included and adapted to Easter.

Tell your child the legend of the Easter bunny

This curious legend tells that, when they put Jesus in the tomb that Joseph of Arimathea had given them, there was a rabbit hidden inside the cave, which, very scared, saw how all the people entered, cried and was sad because Jesus had died.

The rabbit stayed there looking at the body of Jesus when they put the stone that closed the entrance and he saw him and he saw him wondering who would be that Lord whom all the people loved so much.

Thus he spent a long time looking at it; All day and a whole night passed, when suddenly the rabbit saw something surprising: Jesus got up and folded the sheets with which they had wrapped him. An angel removed the stone that covered the entrance and Jesus came out of the cave more alive than ever!

The rabbit understood that Jesus was the Son of God and decided that he had to warn the whole world and all the people who were crying, that they no longer had to be sad because Jesus had risen.

Since rabbits cannot speak, it occurred to him that if he brought them a painted egg, they would understand the message of life and joy, and he did so.

Since then, legend has it that the rabbit goes out every Easter Sunday to leave colored eggs in all the houses to remind the world that Jesus was resurrected and we must live joyfully.

Fuente: Guía Infantil

Cuando Protegemos el agua cuidamos la vida y la naturaleza.  No la desperdicies!

El Día Mundial del Agua se celebra el 22 de marzo de cada año. Es un día para destacar la función esencial del agua y tiene como objetivo crear una mayor conciencia sobre la importancia de este recurso fundamental para el bienestar humano y los ecosistemas.

¿Qué es el agua y por qué es importante?

El agua es un elemento natural de vital importancia para los seres humanos, como también para el resto de los seres vivos. Este recurso natural es esencial para los ecosistemas y para la regulación del clima.

Los Institutos Geofísicos, realizan un trabajo permanente para brindar evidencia científica acerca del océano y de la atmósfera, como también de los ecosistemas de montañas, la Amazonía, sedimentos en embalses, glaciares, regulación hídrica y la calidad de agua. Todo con el fin de generar conocimiento científico sobre el agua, para que sea la base para formular e implementar políticas públicas y herramientas para la toma de decisiones, así como transferir la ciencia que se genera a la población.

Ahora se sabe que el 96.5% del agua de la Tierra se encuentra en el océano y el 2.5% es agua fresca (localizada, por ejemplo, en capas de hielo y glaciares). La cantidad total del agua del planeta no cambia porque no sale de la Tierra, esta solo circula entre el océano, la atmósfera, la superficie terrestre, la biósfera, los suelos, los sistemas de aguas subterráneos y la tierra sólida mediante el ciclo hidrológico, a través de los procesos de evaporación, transpiración, condensación, precipitación y escorrentía. Por lo tanto, hablar de este recurso natural para el desarrollo sostenible implica estudiar y entender cada uno de los reservorios y los procesos asociados ya que, si alguno se altera, puede producir cambios en la pequeña porción que cubre las demandas del ser humano (esto es, aproximadamente 1% del agua fresca que es accesible).

Aquí te van 5 tips para cuidar el agua

  1. Revisa con frecuencia las llaves y tuberías para detectar fugas. Si descubres alguna gotera, ¡repárala de inmediato! 
  2. Enjabona primero todos los trastes con la llave cerrada y después enjuágalos rápidamente. Utiliza un chorro de agua moderado y reutiliza esa agua para limpiar la casa. El agua jabonosa puede servir para lavar baños y banquetas.
  3. Recolecta el agua de la regadera cuando te bañas. Mientras esperas la salida de agua caliente, coloca una cubeta para guardar el líquido. Lo puedes utilizar para regar plantas.
  4. Toma baños cortos de no más de 5 minutos y cierra la llave mientras te enjabonas.
  5. Cambia el tanque del escusado de 16 litros por el de 6, con esto ahorrarás hasta 10 litros de agua por descarga. 

Curiosidades de La Primavera

Sabías que...

Su nombre Proviene de la palabra Verano

Para los romanos tan solo había dos estaciones, una más breve y otra más prolongada. La más prolongada incluía las actuales primavera, verano y otoño y la más breve el invierno. A esta última estación se le llamaba hibernum tempus. La estación más extensa en el tiempo se llamaba ver, veris y pasó a denominarse, con el tiempo, veranum tempus. A la primavera pasó a llamársele primo vere (primer verano) y posteriormente evolucionó en prima vera hasta quedar en nuestro actual término primavera.♣

No hay Primavera en todo el Planeta

Las estaciones del año se deben a la inclinación del eje de la Tierra y no a la distancia que está el planeta del sol; de este modo la primavera no está presente en todo el planeta, solo en aquellas zonas que resultan más templadas. En cambio, en aquellas zonas cercanas al ecuador del planeta no existen las estaciones, el tiempo es más o menos similar durante todo el año. En lo que sí se diferencia la climatología es en estación seca y estación húmeda.



En otros planetas también hay primavera

Es el caso de Marte o de Saturno. Pero esta estación dura «un poco más» en estos planetas. En Saturno, por ejemplo, la primavera llega cada 14 años de media. La próxima primavera entrará en este planeta en el año 2025. Y en el caso de Marte… ¡casi coincidimos! La primavera entró el 23 de marzo de 2022.


Increíble. ¿no crees?




Los pájaros cantan más fuerte durante la primavera

Según estudios de la Universidad de Oxford, las aves poseen un gen que produce una molécula sensible a la luz en su cerebro. Esta molécula controla tanto el sueño como la actividad reproductiva y el sistema nervioso. Como en primavera hay más sol, este sistema se activa y las aves cantan más alto. ¿Los motivos? El primero para proteger y marcar su territorio y para buscar pareja. Cuanto más alto canta un ave macho significa que mejor salud tiene, por lo que tiene más probabilidades de ser elegido por una hembra.♥

Si quieres conocer más acerca de la primavera dirigete a la fuente de esta publicación https://www.caldaria.es/curiosidades-primavera/

St. Patrick's Day

Why do we Celebrate St. Patrick's Day

The day commemorates Saint Patrick and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland, and celebrates the heritage and culture of the Irish in general. Celebrations generally involve public parades and festivals, céilithe, and the wearing of green attire or shamrocks.

Why do we wear Green?

The fact that Ireland is an island—as well as green with leafy trees and grassy hills—means that the nation is sometimes called the Emerald Isle. But the color that people originally associated with St. Patrick was blue! (Some ancient Irish flags even sport this color.) Green was finally introduced to St. Patrick’s Day festivities in the 18th century, when the shamrock (which is, of course, green) became a national symbol. Because of the shamrock’s popularity and Ireland’s landscape, the color stuck to the holiday.

Green is also the color that mythical fairies called leprechauns like to dress in—today, at least. But tales about leprechauns date back to before green was in: The fairies were first described as wearing red.

Why is St. Patick's Day, always March 17?

The luck of the Irish and all things green are celebrated on St. Patrick’s Day, which is on March 17 every year. Initially, a day to honor St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, over time the holiday has evolved into a fun and festive celebration of Irish culture.

The importance of Family

As a child grows and develops, his or her first human interactions are typically with family members and associated caregivers. These first contacts are vital for the development of a child’s socialization skills as well as teaching children how to have a better understanding of themselves and of people around them.
Because children learn by observing, family members and caregivers are also the main influencers that determine how a child will socialize and learn—contributing to their overall physical, social and intellectual development. Having loving family and caregivers around helps a child build a solid foundation that will affect their future relationships, work, health and sense of self. 

Developmental Skills

As soon as a baby is born, family members and caregivers can play a huge role in a child’s overall development in the following ways:

  • Building motor skills: Motor skills involve such learned behavior as how to sit up, walk, run, climb, hold a cup, etc. These skills may seem basic and not something that you teach, but a parent or caregiver is responsible for teaching these skills at a young age. As a child learns motor skills, they help a child feel independent and leads to their overall development.
  • Building language skills: Parents and caregivers should always talk to their child—even as infants. Even if a child can’t yet respond, they are most definitely listening and learning when they hear adults speak to them.
  • Building emotional skills: It’s very important to help a young child develop emotional skills, and parents and other adult caregivers should be the earliest teachers. By teaching a child about such basic skills as smiling or waving at others, they can learn to be open to the world and other people. Educating a young child on basic emotions and naming them (fear, love, etc. can also help a child learn to describe how they are feeling and be better at expressing themselves. As they begin to get older, teaching emotional skills such as sympathy, compassion and sharing can help a child have an emotionally healthy life—and be more grounded in dealing with the highs and lows of life.

By ABC Quality Team on May 18, 2021

Qué celebramos?

El Día de los Presidentes es un día festivo federal en el que el objetivo principal es honrar a todos los hombres que han servido al país como presidentes; sin embargo, este es también un día para celebrar la vida y el legado de George Washington, el primer presidente de Estados Unidos y una de las figuras históricas más importantes de este país.

Desde 1879, el Congreso designó a este día como un día feriado en Washington, a celebrarse el 22 de febrero, fecha de nacimiento de George Washington según el calendario gregoriano; sin embargo, desde 1971 esta fecha se movió al tercer lunes de febrero, y, desde entonces, el Día de los Presidentes nunca se ha celebrado realmente en el día del nacimiento del primer presidente del país.

Quién Fué George Washington?

George Washington fue el primer presidente de los Estados Unidos entre 1789 y 1797​ y comandante en jefe del Ejército Continental revolucionario en la guerra de la Independencia de los Estados Unidos (1775-1783). En los Estados Unidos se le considera el padre de la Patria.​ Es considerado uno de los padres fundadores de los Estados Unidos junto con John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson y James Madison.

El Colegio Electoral eligió unánimemente a Washington en las elecciones de 1789, y otra vez en las elecciones de 1792, con lo que sigue siendo el único presidente que ha recibido el 100% de los votos electorales.

Washington tomó el juramento del cargo como primer presidente bajo la Constitución de los Estados Unidos de América el 30 de abril de 1789, en el Federal Hall de Nueva York, aunque, al principio, él no había querido el cargo.

Después de retirarse de la presidencia en marzo de 1797, Washington regresó a Mount Vernon con un profundo sentimiento de alivio. Dedicó mucho tiempo a la agricultura.

El 12 de diciembre de 1799, Washington pasó varias horas inspeccionando sus fincas a caballo, en la nieve y bajo el granizo y la lluvia helada hasta tarde. Se sentó a cenar esa noche sin cambiar sus ropas mojadas. A la mañana siguiente, se despertó con un fuerte resfriado, fiebre y amigdalitis, una infección en la garganta, que se convirtió en una laringitis aguda y neumonía. Washington murió la noche del 14 de diciembre de 1799 en su casa a los 67 años de edad.

Tobias Lear V, su secretario personal, después recogió una nota en su diario, en la que escribió que las últimas palabras de Washington fueron «Está bien»

St. Valentine's Day

“To-morrow is Saint Valentine’s day,
All in the morning betime,
And I a maid at your window,
To be your Valentine.
Then up he rose, and donn’d his clothes,
And dupp’d the chamber-door;
Let in the maid, that out a maid
Never departed more.”

— William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act IV, Scene 5

St. Valentine's Day History

Valentine’s Day, also called Saint Valentine’s Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is celebrated annually on February 14. It originated as a Christian feast day honoring one or two early Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine. Through later folk traditions, it has become a significant cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romance and love in many regions of the world

While the European folk traditions connected with Saint Valentine and St. Valentine’s Day have become marginalized by modern customs connecting the day with romantic love, there are still some connections with the advent of spring.

While the custom of sending cards, flowers, chocolates and other gifts originated in the UK, Valentine’s Day still remains connected with various regional customs in England. In Norfolk, a character called ‘Jack’ Valentine knocks on the rear door of houses leaving sweets and presents for children. Although he was leaving treats, many children were scared of this mystical person.

In Slovenia, Saint Valentine or Zdravko was one of the saints of spring, the saint of good health and the patron of beekeepers and pilgrims.  A proverb says that “Saint Valentine brings the keys of roots”. Plants and flowers start to grow on this day. It has been celebrated as the day when the first work in the vineyards and in the fields commences. It is also said that birds propose to each other or marry on that day. Another proverb says “Valentin – prvi spomladin” (“Valentine – the first spring saint”), as in some places (especially White Carniola), Saint Valentine marks the beginning of spring.

Valentine’s Day has only recently been celebrated as the day of love. The day of love was traditionally March 12, the Saint Gregory’s day, or February 22, Saint Vincent’s Day. The patron of love was Saint Anthony, whose day has been celebrated on June 13